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Rummikub original 6 players

Brand: Goliath

Reference: 160-50412



Rummy or Rummikub is an interesting game of number combinations, in which you have to create series of equal numbers or stairs to get to run out of chips.


Recommended age:
+6 years


More information

The decision to ban card games in Romania around the 1930s was the fruit of the birth of this interesting game, rummikub. Its inventor replaced the cards with wooden chips that were played hidden through the use of lecterns.

Rummy or Rummikub is an interesting game of number combinations, in which you have to create series of equal numbers or stairs to get to run out of chips. The peculiarity is that the sequences that the players put on the table can be used by the other players to expand or form new series.

This version allows the participation of up to 6 players

Comments (3)

| 11/01/2022 | Verified purchase
Rummikub original 6 players

Fácil y rápido realizar la compra 👍🏼

| 08/09/2021 | Verified purchase
Rummikub original 6 players

Todo correcto y llego rapido

| 21/01/2021 | Verified purchase
Rummikub original 6 players


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Questions (1)


¿Que diferencia hay entre este XP y el original?

Store response | 22/11/2021

El original es para 2-4 personas y el XP es para 2-6 personas

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